opening hours

friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
10.00AM - 5.00PM

10.00am - 6.00pm

Wednesday & thursday
closed (sa school term only)

open every day during school holidays

Checkout our social media pages for any updates to opening hours, public holiday information or special events

BOOKINGS recommended

Bookings are not essential, however recommended during peak times to avoid disappointment.  
Peak times include weekends, public holidays and school holidays.
To book please place a Booking Request or phone (08) 8563 3177 if looking for a booking within 24 hours.


STRICTLY No outside food, drink or alcohol are to be brought onto these premises.
Picnic's and BBQ’s etc are not permitted

Conditions apply. 


PIZZA cooking times

****pizzas available daily!!****

In April 2022, we transitioned from cooking with the wood oven to a conveyor oven for a more environmentally friendly and sustainable cooking process. It also allows more flexibility with cooking times so we are able to offer pizzas every day and not be impacted by the weather and fire bans. We aim to continue to provide the same unique pizzas and flavours and look forward to experimenting with some new ideas!